Never Pop the Clowns Balloon Funny

Shakes the Clown (1991) Poster

An underappreciated comic gem. Tom Kenny is the BEST comic villian! Great supporting cast, too.

I've tried to get my friends to watch this movie with me, but they just can't get over the fact that there are CLOWNS everywhere! GROW UP! "Shakes the Clown" is a truly love-it-or-hate-it movie, with each side taking their stand solidly. Put me in the love column. The fact that everything is played dead serious despite the fact that they're clowns is what keeps this movie from just being stupid. Tom Kenny is PERFECTLY cast as Binky, the best comic villain I have ever seen. Most comic villains are either so bad they're cool, or so bad you can't bear to watch them. Mr. Kenny achieves a perfect balance of being totally unappealing, yet you want to keep watching to see him get it in the end. The best villains feel their actions are completely justified, and Binky is no different. His actions are completely self-preserving and in his mind justifiable. Shouts should also be given out to Adam Sandler and Julie Brown. While Adam often resorts to the easy laugh in his starring vehicles, he's perfect as the insecure clown with no confidence with his ability with the opposite sex. You can easily see why P.T. Anderson chose him to star in "Punch Drunk Love". People have a tendency to hate Julie Brown, and I can understand why, but I've always been a fan of hers. Her role as the put-upon barmaid/girlfriend of Shakes would have been annoying in any other movie, but given the circumstances involved, I find her absolutely adorable. The characters of HoHo, Boots, Stenchy, Owen Cheese, the two cops, the rodeo clowns, etc. are all perfectly cast. Especially memorable is the late Sydney Lassick as Peppy, the forcibly retired host of the TV show that Binky takes over. It's a crying shame that more people don't like this movie, as it would have given Bobcat more opportunities to do films HIS way. Why didn't this film make EW's top 50 cult movies? Until people get over their phobia of clowns, this flick is never going to get the respect it truly deserves, and that is a crying shame. 10/10

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8 /10

Wonderfully strange and often sidesplitting

Warning: Spoilers

Troubled alcoholic clown Shakes (a fearless performance by Bobcat Goldthwait, who also directed and wrote the quirky script) has to sober up long enough to clear his name after he gets framed for a murder that he didn't commit.

Goldthwait adroitly crafts a surreal, wacky, and perversely twisted comic tone that precariously blends the grotesque and the hilarious with surprising effectiveness: While the wickedly funny sense of pitch-black humor may not be to everyone's liking, those with a penchant for the weird and warped should find this movie to be a total riot. Moreover, Goldthwait also ably explores the dichotomy of seeming happy on the outside while being completely miserable on the inside.

The uniformly ace acting by the game cast keeps this film humming: Julie Brown radiates a sweet perky charm as Shakes's concerned waitress girlfriend Judy, Tom Kenny portrays evil and ruthless rival clown Binky with lip-smacking venomous aplomb, Adam Sandler lends sturdy support as the mild-mannered Dink, Paul Dooley does his usual fine work as long-suffering agent Owen Cheese, Blake Cark excels as gruff transvestite Stenchy, and Kathy Griffin adds some vinegar as the snarky Lucy. Popping up in memorable cameos are Milton Berle as a surly barfly clown, Robin Williams as an obnoxiously hearty mime instructor, and Florence "Mrs. Brady" Henderson as a one night stand. A real loopy hoot.

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9 /10

Much maligned in its time, but it aged like fine wine

A reviewer at the Boston Globe once called this, "The Citizen Kane of alcoholic clown movies." Given the number of points of comparison, who could argue?

I was reminded of this when I recently saw the 2003 movie, "Bad Santa" -- which was a similar one-joke, cynical comedy about an obnoxious alcoholic employed as a character meant to bring joy into the lives of children. (The name "Shakes" takes on a whole new meaning when the lead character attempts to detox.) If that one joke works, so goes the movie. So for comparison, I recently rented it not long after seeing "Bad Santa."

While Bad Santa received a great number of favorable critical reviews, this movie wasn't as fortunate. Upon further review, I have to say that this movie never got the credit it deserved.

Is it a great movie? Oh no. This is a movie that attempts to be so bad and foul, rolling in its own filth, that best targets people with the right, low-expectation mindset. But you could also say that of "There's Something About Mary."

It employs humor in some of the background scenes a la "Airplane." Its use of cheesy 70s actors is pure genius and helps complete the joke. (Nevermind Robin Williams, an early Adam Sandler, and the then-future voice of Sponge Bob Squarepants as the evil Binky the Clown.) If you can manage a smirk during John Waters' "Mondo Trasho," you'll likely find the movie to be quite funny overall.

It's Bobcat's opus, and its no wonder he never really made much of anything since; the same was true for Orson Wells after "Citizen Kane"...

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Are we not clowns?

Henry Rollins broke humanity down, once, into "People who get Devo, and people who don't." You can do the same for this movie... there are people who get it, and people who don't, and you will never, ever convince someone that doesn't get this film that it's enjoyable. Just give up. If they can't see the humor in "Oh great, now I have to kill you too. Another red letter day for Binky..."

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10 /10

A little known comedy classic

Very entertaining film pits rival bands of clowns (Rodeo, party, and mime clowns) against each other in a weird alternate world dominated by archetypes of 1950s entertainment (much like Tim Burton's equally entertaining "Pee Wee's Big Adventure"). Goldthwait acts up a storm as the clinically alcoholic title character. The photography is as dark as the film's viewpoint -- this one is a keeper!

Shakes is truly sympathetic because he never solicits pity or tries to be cute (like Sandler would have if it was his film). Here honesty pays off, because we'd really like to see Shakes hook up with his dream girl (Brown) by the end. Nice character acting all around, especially the clowns in the bar and the 2 cops.

Memorable and highly recommended.

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8 /10


The real clown world! You'll never see another film like this! Bizarre and surreal, very funny in places. I can imagine this appealing to John Waters fans quite easily, it has that seedy underbelly of America thing going on. I can imagine this being a real love/hate for some people though. Recommended.

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10 /10

The darkest of dark comedies

This movie won't win any technical awards, but if you like dark comedies (this film makes "Barton Fink" look light and breezy at times), this is the movie for you. At times uproariously funny, the poignant parts are luckily kept to a minimum, and there are gritty moments as well. Whether you're a rodeo clown, party clown, or even a lowly mime, this is a movie chock full of lines you'll find yourself repeating in all the most inappropriate occasions. Besides--didn't you kind of suspect that all clowns were miserable deep down, and drunk constantly?

Just beware--this is not a kids' film by any stretch of the imagination, and some of the scenes of Shakes dealing with his alcoholism are stomach-churning, but it provides the backdrop for some serious comedic writing unmatched by virtually every other film out there.

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6 /10

Crying on the inside, drinking on the outside.

Comedian Bobcat Goldthwait made an interesting filmmaking debut with this not bad mix of comedy and drama. Bobcat plays "Shakes", a clown who is barely functioning in life. When he actually shows up for work, he does a decent enough job, but he just cannot stay off the sauce. This frustrates his patient girlfriend, Judy (MTV personality Julie Brown), and even his friends such as Stenchy (Blake Clark) and Dink (Adam Sandler, in one of his earliest film roles). Eventually, Shakes must pull it together and clear himself when he's framed for a murder.

Clearly, this has become a cult favourite, although this viewer would be lying if he said that he found it all that funny himself. It's mildly amusing at best, with some good moments, but it's never really inspired. One of the brightest bits of business occurs when Robin Williams shows up (billed as "Marty Fromage") as a mime teacher. It is also a hoot the way that clowns such as Shakes, Stenchy, and Dink declare war on mimes earlier in the picture and rough them up. It would have been nice had it been a little more of a dark comedy, but it never really gets that dark. Too much time is wasted with two unfunny cop characters.

Certainly the cast gets an A for effort. Bobcat is good in the lead, managing to elicit some sympathy along the way. Brown is sweet as his leading lady, speaking with a noticeable lisp. Tom Kenny (voice of Sponge Bob Squarepants) is a great sociopathic bad guy, "Binky" the clown. Other familiar faces include Florence Henderson, Sydney Lassick, La Wanda Page, Joel Murray, Tim Kazurinsky, and Paul Dooley.

Off-kilter enough to keep it watchable, with a bright wrap-up and a lively soundtrack.

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10 /10

A dark, dark, rollick through Palookaville.

The movie poster when I saw "Shakes" in the theatre touted it as the "Citizen Kane of Alcoholic Clown Movies," clearly a better analogy than the "Gone with the Wind" one touted here. This is one strange fantasy where clowns hang out in their own bars watching clown shows on TV while tossing back shots. The bars are segregated by clown type, with bars for rodeo clowns and bars for party clowns with no mixing tolerated. Robin Williams' bit part as a mime instructor is some of his best work every, enhanced (as all Robins work should be) by it's brevity. Great work, Bobcat! (The kids in the sprinkler scene is great, a lovingly filmed, uncharacteristicly joyful moment in this very, very dark comedy.) Rumor has it that clown groups picketed theatres when this movie was released, claiming that it was defamatory to clowns.

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10 /10

Killer clownoir...

Warning: Spoilers

Our hero, Shakes, wakes after a LOST WEEKEND to a golden shower- and things just don't get a whole lot better as the day wears on. With the spectre of sobriety looming over him, Shakes takes refuge among the Emmet Kelly crowd at the local watering hole. The somber but not sober tone of these scenes will leave one with delirious tremens, to be sure. (Shakes isn't one of those athletic lugs who sports "six-pack abs"; no, he goes them all one better and lugs around a keg...) The always slowly creeping camera milks each and every bar scene for all it's worth. Goldthwait is a more than capable writer and director and it's surprising that SHAKES didn't catch the public's fancy the way it should've. When the bloodthirsty Binky (a ne'er-do-well who makes Krusty the Clown look like an okay guy) frames our hero, Shakes turns to his cross-dressing clown buddy and his sidekick (the latter played by Adam Sandler) to help him set things right. Will our heroes pull it off, or will things get more twisted than a balloon at a kid's birthday party...? Check out SHAKES THE CLOWN and see.

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7 /10

Shakes rocks the Twisted Balloon!!

Following the exploits of a good-hearted, booze-soaked clown who is trying to make his way in Palookaville, a town populated by denizens of that certain ditch in the entertainment world inhabited by clowns and mimes. He tries to kick the booze but his demons are hard to face. He gets involved in seedy intrigue with the tough, jaded rodeo clowns, picks on the mimes, and tries to avoid the indignity of doing balloon animals, all while keeping the bottle at bay lest he wake up puking into his frightwig. Oh yes, there's a love interest as well. Tasteless? Absolutely. Funny? If you know and love an alcoholic (or a clown), and you can still laugh about it, this movie will send you rolling off the couch and onto the floor in stitches.

Bobcat is always happy to degrade himself on screen, and he does it brilliantly here. Shakes is a total mess. A disgusting mess. A shameful mess. Bobcat sells the drunkenness and depravity, whether he's being peed on (Nevermind. You'll see.) or stumbling around in a drunken stupor. Yet he still manages to remain likable and not lose his status as the film's protagonist. My favorite part has to do with the intense hatred the clowns harbor for mimes,(I mean, really, who needs 'em!). The fight scene in the park, with the shout "Learn to Talk", is priceless. The obvious discomfort when Shakes must pose as a mime to avoid arrest is also a blast! I had no idea Bobcat Goldthwait was this creative...

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.

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10 /10

What a great yuk!

This rare gem is an example of a funny, funny man (Bobcat Goldthwait) given free reign over the creation of a comedy gem. Though this film may not exemplify any of the tired old Hollywood "formulas" for what makes a profitable comedy, it nonetheless succeeds wonderfully.

Shakes The Clown is quirky, kinky, edgy and hilarious. It features great comic performances by many such under rated comic talents as Bruce Baum and Tom Kenny. Conversely, in the tradition of the inspired casting of Leslie Neilsen in Airplane, Goldthwait places in hilariously improbable comic situations traditional "straight" actors, such as Florence Henderson in the role of a Clown-dating bar floozy.

I won't say that this film exemplifies a category, because I feel that it defines one. A true original, one of a kind, Shakes The Clown should not be missed.

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not terribly funny, but oddly realistic

I really admired this movie for being a fairly apt take on alcoholism. In terms of pain and damage. They could have easily made Shakes a comical drunk, ala Arthur or some kind of wacky party animal, like Belushi in Animal House. Instead, Shakes the Clown is a seriously troubled individual. It's also realistic in that he hangs out with a bunch of alcoholics, who have just a little more control over their habit.

The jokes hit at about a 15% clip, but I thought the guy who played Binky was wonderfully cast. It's not a great movie, or even a good one -- I guess I was just surprised by the honesty in its portrayal of alcoholism.

And I'm not sure I needed to see Aunt Esther talk about her privates in such detail!

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7 /10

This movie needs some love

This movie was written, stars, and was directed by BCG. It is dark, there are drugs, alcohol, and inner demons. But all this is dealt with and lived by people who live 24/7 as clowns and mimes. They have clown bars etc. BCG two other semi well known movies are worlds greatest dad ( robin Williams (plays a mime here)) and God bless america (bill Murray's brother (plays a milkman here)). Those 2 movies are very dark comedies, and this is as well. I think a lot of people didnt get that because of the silly clown premise. It's dark, it's over the top, it's silly, a little raunchy,I think it's great overall. It needs a little 7 star love from others.

P s. See spongebob square pants (tom kenny) as a coked out psycho disco clown in this movie as well.

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10 /10

Funniest movie about drunken clowns ever

I was amazed to see this movie getting ranked just above a five. There's never been a movie like it. It manages to be funny and confront alcoholism at the same time, something you won't see in say, 28 Days. Instead of trying to be serious, this movie is surreal, and in being surreal, it manages to give you an accurate portrayal of the disease of addiction, and also a very funny movie about clowns who drink, fight, and wear their clown suits all the time.

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8 /10

Sincere, dark, and hilarious

Warning: Spoilers

Shakes the Clown, Bobcat Goldthwait's masterpiece, is about an alcoholic clown framed for murder by his coke-addicted nemesis. It's a dark comedy--and probably one of the best ever made.

The performances here are the best thing this movie's got going for it: Goldthwait is funny, incredibly sad, and at times brilliantly subtle. Shakes's battle with alcoholism is sometimes irreverently hilarious, but more often sincerely dark and depressing. The comedy here actually makes this movie all the more serious, because it reins in the sentimental and the shame-on-you finger-shaking most portrayals of alcoholism lean toward. Goldthwait's portrayal of an alcoholic clown may look and sound absurd because it is--and that makes it all the more amazing when you find yourself convinced that this person can, and probably does, exist.

Tom Kenny is actually the comedic heart of this movie, even though he plays a homicidal, coke-addicted maniac clown. His delivery is perfect, and later came to good use on Mr. Show. He's constantly on fire here, and brings more laughs than any other character.

There's a lot of strong comedic talent in this film: Goldthwait, Kenny, Robin Williams, Kathy Griffin, and a young Adam Sandler. Florence Henderson and Paul Dooley are also here, and even Sydney Lassick (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) turns in a great performance as an angry, foul-mouthed, recently-fired host of a children's television show. And Julie Brown is a good match as Shakes's fed-up, ditsy blond girlfriend.

Even though its subject matter is very dark, there a plenty of laughs too. There's a running joke about party clowns hating mimes, and even a funny and brutal fight scene. Shakes later has to go undercover at a mime school where Robin Williams plays his frighteningly intimidating instructor. The party clowns are in turn harassed by rodeo clowns, two of which deal cocaine to party clowns on the side. There's plenty of foul-mouthed cringe humor throughout the film.

Shakes the Clown will forever be Bobcat Goldthwait's greatest achievement. It's a shame he didn't direct another film for 15 years. This movie is dark, disturbing, and strange--but it is also very very funny. If you like dark comedy, cringe humor, or clowns, you should see this.

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7 /10

Unique movie...

I've heard this is the " Citizen Kane of alcholic clown movies", and it may be!

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10 /10

"I hate when people laugh at me"

How can anyone watch this movie and not get it...??!?!? It's brilliant. It is quite simply, as Goldthwait himself put it, the consummate drunken alcoholic clown movie that retires the genre for all time. Not that we don't need more drunken clown movies . . . after 8 years of Bush and Cheney we may need a hiatus----but the need WILL return. It always does. I don't wish to unfairly prejudice any future viewer of this gem: it has a few flaws: sometimes the face paint is streaky, and some of the clowns use foul language. But the true charm of STC isn't in the occasional swearing (every other word) or the odd droopy rubber nose: it's in the brilliance of the film. Goldthwait wrote this primarily because of what he does, comedy, and he wrote this with all his friend comedians in mind, and most of them are in the movie with him, so it's even richer. His best friend Robin Williams got cast as a mime instructor who berates the class loudly with savage jibes. Adam Sandler and Blake Clark are clown friends who help their buddy when he's down and out. And he's out and down a lot. It is a marvelous allegory, and all the better because he treats it as if he were writing for a normal cast of actors. Surrealism overlaid with realism. Wonderfully perverse!

The idea of creating a clown world, and showing the clowns as completely screwed up soap opera characters replete with fears and jealousies, worries and even villainous impulses --- there are even clown wars with other clown groups, and mimes are hated --- cannot be undervalued. This is very creative and original stuff.

Goldthwait's script sparkles as four-letter poetry. Tremendous cast. Very few movies have had such a stellar line up of comedic actors: the only other ones I can think of are "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" and "The Aristocrats" which is actually more of a documentary than scripted film.

I don't wish to say more about this . . . the only reason I wrote this is when I saw the rating of 4.7...?!?!?? What the hell were people watching that they didn't appreciate this movie for the amazing film it is ??? I am starting to wonder about my fellow members of the human race . . . it's as if they WANT to lose ------ and NOT getting a movie like this is a great start. I think we're already in the toilet and it's getting darker....5 out of 10 viewers not getting this movie is just more proof.

You're the best, Bobcat. No matter what the other clowns say about you.

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10 /10

Body of Binky

This is one of my all-time favorite movies. As shallow as it appears on the surface, this film delivers with some subtle laughs.

As far as casting goes, this is the only movie in which I liked Chris Elliot. The character of Binky cracks me up every time I watch the film. His absolute self absorption and megalomania lead to some very "quoteable" lines and terrific cinematic moments.

Also, the fact that Robin Williams' name doesn't appear in the credits makes me smile. In the credits, Mime Jerry is played by "Marty Fromage" making me wonder if, at seeing the final product, he refused to have his name attached to it. Or, if Mr. Williams is willing to play jokes with his very name when he doesn't have a great stake in the success of a film.

I consider this film a masterpiece of dark comedy, and it has made me eternally loyal to Bobcat Goldthwait. I only hope he runs for President someday.

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darkly funny, this cult fave is a must see for fans of bobcat, adam sandler or robin williams.

the darkly humorous story of an alcholic party clown who is framed by coke-dealing rodeo clowns and must overcome his condescending feelings towards mimes when he must take refuge in one of their studios.

black comedy painted in neon colors with funny clown shoes for that disturbing effect. an issue as serious as alcoholism shouldn't b taken lightly, but the darkness within the "twisted balloon" bar is could be any hole in the wall drink joint over-run with industry regulars. its just this industry is full party clowns who pick on the artistic mimes and cower in fear of rodeo clowns.

binky is one of the most creepy & festive characters in recent years. his rationalizations of his behavior are text book. "u all loathe me... think my balloon animals suck". it seems strangely appropriate that the rodeo clowns are selling coke binky and his yes men.

this movie is full of incredible lines & visual humor (check out the office in the background when shakes is getting picked up at the police station during the conversation with the cops).

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10 /10

Clowns drink till they puke and hate Mimes. You will love this show if your a drunk or doper. Most others will TOO!

Warning: Spoilers

This movie has an All Star cast, (or at least a lot of them)Adam Sandler, Robin Williams, Florence Henderson, & LaWanda Page (aunt Ester from Sanford and Son). A stark look at alcoholism through the loopy eyes of rouge clowns. They drink and carouse, drive strange clown cars, and close down "The Twisted Balloon" bar every night. No one as well as Shakes (Bobcat Goldthwait). He wakes up every morning puking but he doesn't have a problem because and can quit when he wants. He just doesn't because he has a lot of fun drinking. He gets fired drinking at a kids party and going nuts (a very funny scene). There are so many zany one liners in this movie. Like when the bar fly lady Aunt ester says "As soon as that camera is off, he gonna f*** that little dog." after Peppy the Clown announces his (forced) retirement from the clown kids TV show. He's all crying and announcing his replacement "Binky" the biggest piece of crap in clown land. Shake thought he was going to get the TV show, guess not. At the bar one of Binkies cronies tells Shakes "Oh, yeah? Well, the only show YOU could ever star in would be a show called the... Not... Funny... DIARRHEA CLUB!" Later Binky frames Shakes for killing Owen Cheese, Shakes boss and father figure (after Shakes dad died in that elephant mishap) Owen finds Binky and a couple of dope dealing rodeo clowns snorting coke and Binky gives a funny line-"You didn't see nothing old man. We're just five happy party clowns, sitting down to a plate of beef. White- powdery- beef." The rest of the show is about Shakes figuring out he did not kill his boss (he was so drunk he didn't know) then finally finding redemption at a 12 step program. This show is hard to watch for people who can't understand addiction, especially when its twisted into a whimsical very dark comedy. Very unique, nothing else even close to like it!

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6 /10


feev 18 August 2020

My goodness I had no idea that Florence Henderson could be so hot..... Her cameo was worth the price of admission..... I wish she would have had a longer role.... She was GREAT!!!

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10 /10

funny movie!

I've gotta say that shakes was a vicious delight for me. Bobcat is the best alcoholic clown next to charlie sheen. Highpoints of the movie are bobcat scaring the crap out of little kids at a birthday party and bobcat puking in a car! Beating the hell out of mimes was great too! See it! It's better than Bozo!

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5 /10

Underrated Cast, Underachieving Script...I Mean, It's An Alcoholic Clown Movie So....

I downloaded this movie years after putting it on my watchlist because I had seen it mentioned in one of those Men's Journal "100 Movies Every Guy Should See" lists. In the end, its presence on a list like that might be appropriate, but don't reshuffle your own watchlist to make room for it.

The cast is actually terrific. Bobcat Goldthwait in a forgettable lead role still filled the role nicely, and with such a star-studded supporting crew, the cast is actually the most memorable thing about this movie. Adam Sandler and Blake Clark have major roles throughout, which was no doubt a fertile time for the two to bounce ideas off one another, thus sparking a screen relationship that would help fuel Sandler's meteoric rise through 1990s comedy. Kathy Griffin is the feminist friend of the lead actress, Julie Brown, who later played Ms. Stoeger in Clueless. Even Robin Williams made a cameo appearance as a catty mime instructor, surely offering at least a few laughs with his pre-GWH clown-like demeanor.

Unfortunately, this semi-Allstar cast was paired with terrible writers. Sure, there is the occasional line or two that elicit laughs from even the most lifeless of cynics, but the viewer can't help but follow a very contrived script throughout the movie, and only the body language of the actors themselves seems to save the screenplay from itself.

Overall, simply by recognizing the significance of the cast, all together as early as 1991, is enough to take from this movie what it has to offer most. I can't recommend making time for it, but if someone brings it over and you're in an agreeable mood, put it in and enjoy a lot of hidden humor (background gags and subtle one-liners) in this alcoholic cult-classic.

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1 /10

Such great promise

I remember my girlfriend and I going to see this movie in great anticipation on its opening weekend back in 1992. It just seemed perfect -- a comedy about a down-and-out clown with a drinking problem. Had a solid cast as well with impressive cameo appearances. The sub-plot with the rivalry between mimes and clowns was another great idea.

But it was, and remains, in the top 5 of the most disappointing and inexcusably awful films I've ever endured. Some films are bad due to low budget, or poor talent, or bad concept (or a combination of these things), but this had everything it needed and failed -- resoundingly -- on all fronts. I remember sitting there with my sweet girlfriend and just waiting and waiting for a laugh -- anything -- to show up. Only one thing made us laugh -- when Shakes is trash-talking with another clown in the clown bar and the clown is at a loss for words and says something like, "Well, you're the captain of the diarrhea club". Doesn't sound funny does it? In any other film it would have been a terrible and disgusting line but to a tearful of moviegoers desperate for a laugh, it was like water in the desert.

My lasting impression of this film was how deeply mean-spirited, overly dark, cruel, and scatological it was. It was as if 11-year-old bullies were given the task to write/direct/produce a major motion picture. Those attributes are rarely really funny, even to pre-teens.

You WILL be disappointed with this film -- it doesn't even have value as something to poke fun at. Instead of watching this film, watch "Kingpin" instead, which is a similar sort of film but is actually watchable and humorous at times.

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