
2 Women Indicted on Major Charges for Allegedly Stealing Boy's MAGA Chapeau

2 women in Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden'due south dwelling house state of Delaware have been indicted on hate crime charges afterwards they allegedly stole a "Make America Great Over again" hat from a child and assaulted him and his mother.

In a video that went viral on social media last calendar month during the Democratic National Convention, the 2 women stole signs from supporters of President Donald Trump outside of where Biden spoke in Wilmington.

The women in the video tore up the signs and the stole the hat from the 7-twelvemonth-quondam boy, Fox News reported.

The child pleaded for the return of his hat, but the women cursed at him. I of them was also recorded appearing to strike at his mother.

The boy pleaded with his mother to "call 911."

One of the women eventually threw the hat over a fence.

The incident was shared on Twitter by the Students for Trump group and afterward by Donald Trump Jr.:

The younger Trump's video ended up being viewed more than 5 million times.

Students for Trump afterward reported the child'south proper noun is Riley and he received a call from the White Firm.

The Washington Examiner reported that Trump sent Riley a new hat, which he autographed for the boy.

The women on the video were identified by police and arrested, The News Periodical reported.

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, are the women behind the Baronial assault, according to police.

Both Winslow and Amy are from Wilmington, and both face charges of "second-degree robbery, 2d-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child, third-caste assault, attempted tertiary-degree assault, offensive touching and felony hate crimes," according to The News Journal.

Police in Wilmington told the outlet that both women were arrested later being identified on the video and that they were arrested shortly afterwards it was posted.

The alleged crimes could see Winslow and Amy face up potent prison sentences.

The News Journal reported the seven charges could add together up to 15 years of potential jail time.

Do you remember the women in the video should be charged with a hate crime?

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Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings issued a statement about the alleged set on in which she said that "harming another person — let alone a child — considering of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded."

Jennings' function chose to pursue the charges against Winslow and Amy.

In Delaware, a hate criminal offence can include a "offense for the purpose of interfering with the victim's gratuitous exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege or immunity protected past the Get-go Amendment to the United States Constitution, or commits said law-breaking because the victim has exercised or enjoyed said rights."

Both suspects are currently free on bond.

Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor and a producer in radio, television and digital media. He is a proud hubby and male parent.

Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television receiver. He is a proud hubby and begetter.