Online Radio Station Where I Can Upload My Music

If yous've invested serious fourth dimension and money into writing and recording music to the very all-time of your abilities, the last matter you lot'll want to do is throw it abroad through a poorly-executed radio submission.

Many bands and artists are unfortunately completely clueless when it comes to engaging the industry. All the same, a small corporeality of preparation can ready you apart from the submission scrapheap and seriously advance your career.

Then, how practise you submit your music to radio stations? S uccessfully submitting your music to radio stations can be broken down into three master phases:

  • Research & appoint suitable radio stations
  • Leverage the established connection to pitch your music
  • Follow-up and sustain your back up

Keep reading to learn how to implement each stage in detail:


Create A Hit Listing Of Suitable Stations

Whilst it might sound obvious, you'd exist amazed how many bands and artists fail before they've even started by submitting to a poorly-targeted radio station.

Simply put, if you are a newly-established decease metal ring, don't submit material to a hip-hop station that exclusively promotes established artists.

Make sure you take the fourth dimension to research each station and then you lot can brand sure they're playing artists that are similar to you in terms of both size and genre.

In addition, accept some time to learn a little bit about each station to see how yous tin can tailor your pitch; are they a family-run station? Practice they have any connections with other manufacture operators? Are they only interested in promoting artists from a certain area?

Here are some of the best places to search for suitable radio stations that promote independent musicians:

  • Google
  • Facebook groups
  • Twitter hashtags/trends
  • Other artist's social media channels

Compile a spreadsheet with the proper name of each suitable station, their social media links and a couple of pieces of information about the station. This'll give you something to refer back to once you've done the research and are ready to submit.

Become An Active Fan Of Your Target Radio Stations

Once y'all've found a gear up of suitable radio stations to target, become an active fan of each station for several weeks before submitting anything.

Listen to the testify, become agile on their social media and engage with the other artists. It's of import to accept a genuine interest in the station and non expect them to directly provide you lot with anything in return; in other words, don't push button your music on them at this stage.

Yet, this approach can really make you stand out from the hundreds of other artists when y'all finally do submit.

R emember that contained radio stations are often operating without any significant income and are relying on the artists themselves to go along the prove going. Therefore, they're much more likely to requite sustained airplay to artists who are willing to promote and support the station.

Microphone in home recording studio


Choice The Right Song

Again, this is another point where many artists can neglect before they've started. Here are some pointers on choosing an advisable vocal to submit to radio:

  • Make sure it's new: If you're promoting a new release, information technology makes sense to submit material from that same release. If you're an emerging or contained artist, it's likewise probable that the quality of your work volition be improving by the release. Therefore, information technology can exist assumed that there'south a high chance your newest music will be your all-time.
  • Make sure it doesn't exceed 3:thirty:  The average station receives dozens or even hundreds of submissions each week and each show will exist jam-packed with textile. Therefore, your boilerplate radio station will oft be more drawn to songs that don't 'waffle'. Whilst you might remember that your seven minute-long song is the best  one you've got, the radio station just won't have fourth dimension for it in an average show. If you're writing new textile with the intention of submitting it to radio, it's worth aiming for a time cap of around 3:30 to maximize your chances of airplay (or at to the lowest degree producing a radio edit). If you lot're a pop or rock artist, adhering to a time limit volition also naturally cut a lot of unnecessary 'waffle' in your material, which in turn will make your music come up across as much more than professional person and disarming.
  • Keep it clean: An obvious i. Most radio stations are unlikely to play your fabric if it'south full of swear words or controversial subject affair. If at that place'south an exception to this rule, it'll mostly be stated on the testify's site or social media channels.

Assemble A Press Kit

Equally previously mentioned, the average radio station receives a huge number of weekly submissions and each show will be jam-packed.

Every bit a result, presenters won't want to waste material time searching through your social media or emailing you back and along for the right information.

It's highly recommended that you assemble a dedicated press kit for radio submissions; here'due south a couple of pointers on what to include:

  • Biography: Y'all should include a biography that's approximately 300 words. Be certain to include your location, influences, current focus and any upcoming events. Make sure you keep it concise and relevant; the presenter doesn't need to know that you started pianoforte lessons at the historic period of two or that your drummer has a true cat named Tabby. If you'd like some more guidance on how to write an effective biography, bank check out our dedicated article.
  • Quick description of the song: Give a brief outline of the vocal and provide some background information on the lyrical content. This should add some context to the track and give the presenter something to add if they choose to play information technology. Equally mentioned with the biography, be sure to keep it curtailed and relevant.
  • Promotional photo: Some radio stations will desire a promotional photo to feature on their social media channels. Even if they don't, it's a great opportunity to leverage your visual identity and provide further context to your music. Make sure you lot get the 'all-clear' from the lensman beforehand and requite them credit in your press kit.
  • Website/Social media links: If the station decides to play y'all, it's probable they'll desire to shout you out on their social media. Information technology's likewise worth making sure your social is both coherent and easy to navigate. If you'd like a few more pointers on how to employ social media to your reward, cheque out our article on how to promote your music successfully on the internet.
  • Vocal download/streaming links: This will besides exist included in your pitch electronic mail. However, every bit emails tin ofttimes go lost or jumbled up, including direct links in your press kit will ensure the presenter won't have to go searching for annihilation.

Etch An Email

Electronic mail is the principal means of contact inside the music manufacture. Some stations volition make information technology clear on their website or social media channels what they require from you.

However, many stations will simply provide you with an email accost or a contact course.

Hither are some pointers on how to construction the perfect pitch e-mail:

  • Include your artist proper noun, song title and the word 'submission' in your subject area line: An example would be 'DEEP PURPLE – SMOKE ON THE WATER – SUBMISSION'. This makes it easy for the presenter to discover your electronic mail and categorise it accordingly when sifting through their inbox.
  • Explain your relationship with the station: If you've taken the communication from phase ane and become an active fan of the station, it's likely they'll already know who y'all are. Even so, give a fleck of an overview on how yous constitute the station, how long you've been listening and maybe a comment about a recent bear witness. Again, make certain you lot keep this genuine and non overly-gushy; people will see direct through information technology if it isn't genuine.
  • Pitch your song: Permit them know y'all'd like to submit the runway for consideration and give a brief overview of why you're submitting the track (for example, if you lot've just released it every bit a single).
  • Include a streaming/download link to the runway: Brand sure y'all include a streaming/download link and NOT a file zipper. Large files may cause delivery issues, whilst also cluttering a curator'southward inbox.
  • Thank the station in advance: Rather cocky-explanatory, but gratitude and good manners go a long way and prove a proficient sense of professionalism.

Audio mixer in recording studio


Promote The Show On Social Media

If you've received the news that you'll exist played on an upcoming testify, congratulations! Yet, the piece of work isn't over yet.

Make sure y'all promote the show several times on social media in the run-up to the characteristic. In addition, share/retweet whatsoever posts by the station that tag or mention you.

Every bit previously mentioned, stations are much more likely to give sustained airplay to artists who are willing to provide continuous support and promotion.

Send A Thank You lot Email

Once you lot've been played, it's well-worth sending an email thanking the station for the feature and wishing them well.

This merely takes a couple of minutes, yet goes an enormously long mode and again displays a sense of existent professionalism.

Proceed To Listen To & Back up The Radio Station

This is a step that nearly no one takes, despite the fact that information technology tin seriously advance your career.

Make sure that you continue to support the station after you've been played, even if it'due south just putting a show on in the background 1 evening or retweeting a couple of their tweets. It's worth emphasizing that this is a stride that requires minimal effort, withal offers meaning reward.

Every bit music is very much a 'who you lot know' manufacture, continuing to stand out by showing your support means you are planting a seed that could truly flourish over time.

Yous never know when a connectedness could come through for you or a recommendation could be made.

Related Questions

  • How exercise you go radio stations to play your music? The best style to go radio stations to play your music is to submit tosuitableradio stations. Yous should submit music to stations who play other artists with a similar genre and following to yous. Furthermore, you should ensure y'all have a pre-established human relationship with the station (i.e. beingness active on their social media).

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